Yuri Lopez Yuri Lopez

Latinx Heritage Month and the Search for Belonging

By severing our minds, bodies, and souls, we become easy to control, profit from, and lucrative tools in keeping power. We exist in a world that doesn’t seem to have a place for us–neither from here, nor from there, endlessly searching for belonging, starving to know we have a place and not out here alone. Coming to the realization that Latinidad comes with a price to pay, one that I’m no longer willing to pay, knowing that a place that I belong to wouldn’t make me pay a price in the first place. You see, this rope is attached to a boat, but white supremacy doesn’t intend on actually allowing you to get on the boat. The lighter you are, the closer you are to the part of the rope attached to the boat, but if the waters get too tumultuous, they’re cutting off the rope, and you along with it.

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